Volunteer with the Friends!

Your skills can make a difference!

Are you jazzed up by social media or public relations?

Intrigued by the idea of seeing your words or photographs in print?

Do you have construction skills? Help us with special projects on the Castle itself!

Pondering how to meet new people and learn even more about all the really cool stuff at the Castle?

You can help a wonderful cause from the comfort of your cozy haven at home, or with Friends at the Park!

We send out emails to our volunteer list whenever we need some help. To be added to our volunteer list, drop an email to gillettecastlevolunteers@gmail.com and let us know! No commitment required!

social media maven

We have a very active Facebook page, a YouTube account and an Instagram feed. Someone with enthusiasm for social media would be a terrific help in making sure we respond to inquiries and have frequent, engaging postings. In particular, someone interested in helping expand our Instagram account to make it more engaging and interactive would be awesome.


On average, we issue a press release about every three months, and we have a solid list of press contacts with whom we interact on a semi-regular basis. We are looking for someone who can help make sure we are well organized in issuing press releases and responsive to inquiries when they are received. Make connections with local media and stay abreast of what's happening at the Castle!


Certain projects benefit from specific hands-on volunteer work parties. Share your skills, time and efforts! Projects will be supervised and training will be provided. Send an email to gillettecastlevolunteers@gmail.com with any questions or to join up!


Gillette Castle is one of the state's most popular tourist attractions, and it serves an important role in the local economy. We would love to have a business liaison who would interact with local businesses to help ensure we are supporting their needs and interests. We also are contemplating involvement in the Green & Blue Way, and if you are interested in helping us in this arena, that would be spectacular.


Help decorate the Castle and grounds for the holiday season! Decorating the Castle for the holidays is loads of fun. A fun holiday spirit abounds. We need help with internal decorations, and we also have an annual event when we put up all the decorations around the grounds. We also need help organizing and getting ready for the fun. All of this happens between October and November so we are ready for opening the day after Thanksgiving.